Spindle Factory is proud to offer its customers AIR MILES® Reward Miles on installation work performed.
Please ask your sales representative for more information on qualifying purchases.
Become an AIR MILES® Collector today by visiting airmiles.ca or by calling:
1-888-AIRMILES (1-888-247-6453).
All Rewards offered are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the AIR MILES Reward Program, are subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. To redeem for Travel and/or Merchandise Rewards, you must have accumulated sufficient AIR MILES reward miles in your Dream Balance. Some restrictions may apply. Quantities may be limited. Collectors must pay taxes, fuel surcharges and other applicable charges and fees on air, hotel and car rental Rewards. Travel Rewards may be subject to a minimum advance booking and availability from participating Suppliers. No cancellations, exchange or refunds for tickets, certificates or merchandise once booked or ordered. For complete details, visit airmiles.ca or call the AIR MILES Customer Care Centre at 1-888-AIR MILES (in Toronto (416) 226-5171).
®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Co. and Spindle Factory Ltd.